went to a comic book store with a friend just to have a look around and i found myself thinking that a lot of the pictures would make for cool pieces of art. hence was born Komix Out Of Kontext or KOOK productions. Here are some of my prototypes. i think they look cool.
the blood splatter took some work. i got paint all over my floor. still ironing out the kinks in the splatter system:
the most interesting part for me was the comic book culture. perhaps i didn't fully appreciate otaku culture, but there is a smell to used comic book shops (maybe not just used ones): a mixture of sweat and body odor from people who clearly don't bathe as often as they should followed by papery undertones and a permeating dankness or dampness. it's really quite unpleasant but no one seems to notice. don't know if i will be frequenting used comic book stores; i suppose it will depend on how KOOK takes off. drop me your addy if you want me to send you one!