early morning eurostar to Paris:
it was about a 2.5 hour ride (kinda like the shinkansen to kyoto). hello Paris!
after checking into our little hotel in Jaures, we went in search of food. we went to a little kebab/crepe shop. paris is an odd city; so many contradictions. there's beautiful art and architecture everywhere (it's a great city if you look up) but it's got heaps of trash and dog shit everywhere (if you look down). even in this kinda grungy little shop, the ceiling is beautiful.
banana and nutella crepe. it's hard to go wrong here.
along La Seine:
Notre Dame Cathedral:
very cool gargoyles:
inside the cathedral:
amazing stained glass:
a walk on Ile de la Cite:
we passed so many beautiful buildings and i didn't know what most of them were:
the Concorde:
The Obelisque:
my favorite mustard! there's a whole shop!
with hundreds of tiny little jars with different kinds of mustard!
Eglise de la Madeleine:
nani bought tons of these eiffel tower keychains as souvenirs:
the underpass where Diana died:
yes, we walked all the way to the tower:
i was amazed at how many beggars and hustlers there are in the city:
a lovely dinner after a really long day of walking:
train was exhausted but nani and i push for Le Arc de Triomphe:
tomb of the unknown soldier:
the next day, we started a slower morning by heading up towards a local market:
ooooh! the bridge is rising!
the market was packed! so many buyers and sellers and everyone screaming at each other:
brunch at 077. love me some boeuf bourguignon!
back on the nasty subways using our carnet tickets:
artsy graffitti:
nani wanted to go to Musee Du Louvre but i didn't want to run around there for a few hours trying to see all the "big pieces" (i'd much rather go when i can spend an entire day there) so the train and i decided to go to the catacombs. we waited in line for a long ass time which the train killed by playing zombie trailer park on my ipad. she was quite tickled by her own score:
aaaaahhhh! we begin the long descent under the city:
it was cold down there. i'm glad i had to buy that jacket in london . . .
they say that 6 million people are buried down here. it was really amazing to see:
after seeing all those bones, train feels like a nutella crepe snack:
afterwards, we went up to the Louvre to pick up nani:
even just the outside is amazing. the architecture, the detail is breathtaking:
a tiny peek inside:
and an ecological exhibit behind:
such cuties!
and back to the Nord to catch the train back:
with a yummy french sammich of course!
back to london:
and absolute exhaustion on the way home:
it was so much fun but i wish i could have stayed longer. definitely next time . . . .