
BLAM!! suckas!

Went to get in touch with my inner militia man at BLAM!! in tokorozawa.

the boys check out the air rifle selection in the shop:

they had other total middle-america-white-trash-ain't-got-no-job-so-i-shoot-cans-off-my-neighbor's-fence paraphrenelia:

this is for uncle todd:

looking militant! Eric, Graham, and Ryan grab a weapon.

getting our head gear on:

noriko, the only other non-penis-owning-member:

her hubby mike, channeling hamas:

the battleground:

the standby cage:

excitement on the observation deck:

black team (Mike, Ken, the Ninja, and Chris):

white trash team (Matt, Vince, Graham, and Eric):

the leftovers (ryan, noriko, D, vedjeko, and yours truly):

group shot!

i have welts all over, especially on my hands, arms and head from where i got tagged. those little pellets HURT!!!! chris tagged me in the ass TWICE! even though we were on the same team for a few rounds. it was a bit scary in the begining but as the day wore on, we got better and were having more fun. and i have noticed at 30 that the scars are NOT healing as quickly as they used to. but made some new friends and had a great time. may have to buy my own gun as my birthday present to myself this year . . .

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