if these animals were dancing, they'd be in a Japanese dance club. everybody face the DJ! no one dance with a partner!
SS animals, ready for deployment:
what a farm looks like after crazy throws up all over it:
somebody likes quilting:
we know what this guy is growing on his farm:
taking it to a whole 'nother level, in 3D:
too much time on one's hands and an unhealthy obsession with media figures =
ok, maybe not that last one.
my sister says she's very selective about who she allows to be her "neighbor" in this game. in the whole christmas-in-august-good-will-towards-men vibe, i was accepting neighbor requests from everyone. you wanna be my neighbor? sure, no problem. and like a good neighbor, i spend a chunk of my daily life watering their farms (or in the case of city story -- this is the same as farm story but building a city -- cleaning their cities). my level 4 community activist status got me a lot of "neighbors," or so i thought.
what i have come to realize now, with my 40 farm neighbors and 90 city neighbors, is that alot of people are lazy bastards and don't actually make the effort to visit your farm or city to do the actual work. most of these assholes simply send you a "gift," a small crappy token that doesn't even deduct money from their account, so you will feel obliged to come visit their farm or city and do the work. THEY don't come clean/water your shit at all. and this has made me more than a little pissed off.
hence, this is the weekend of culling. after having cleaned out my cell phone of numbers i never call and don't call me, i made a list of every one of my goddamn "neighbors." i've started keeping tabs on who is, and who isn't cleaning/watering my shit. and come monday night, all those freeloading fuckers are getting the axe.
almost all of my friends on the face/space keep telling me to sign up for that shit and i continue to refuse. sure, i'm missing out on the photos of their kids, trips, boyfriends, etc. but i also know that it takes effort to maintain a friendship (or a neighbor-ship) and i am no longer putting in the effort for assholes who don't put in the effort for me. updating you status doesn't mean shit to me. either you have the courtesy to keep me informed yourself, or you don't. i used to keep a very strict 1 year policy with people (at least one personal method of contact once a year or you're culled -- that includes family and friends and business associates and students and everyone else); i've let it slide a bit for the past couple years but that all ends today.
it's time to drop the dead weight and get streamlined.
I do check your blog "regularly", I just don't comment "regularly". I hope that qualifies me to not get the axe!
ONE YEAR?! Dammit! That explains so much...
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