
Adios and Happy Birthday

Riyoko and Cory left Japan this past saturday, both of them hung over and sick. i hated sending them home in such a condition but they assured me that they had a good time so i considered it a successful trip. hopefully they did too. on their last night in Tokyo i gathered a bunch of friends together and we went out to an izakaya for some major oolong hi drinking and karaoke. Cory got to sing karaoke for the first time (or so he said) and Riyoko, who of course doesn't sing at all, got to down my favorite japanese beverage, the oolong hi. now i've never gotten hung over on that shit before but it seemed to do a number on the both of them. the train ride to the airport was a rough one for them. but the friends really liked them and they liked quite of few of them so i think it all turned out well. i can't imagine that they want to take another trip out to japan for at least a solid decade.

OK, on to future matters. yes i know it's technically too early to be getting excited about my birthday but i really am! i'm going to okinawa with Clare, Julie and Adam from the 15th to the 17th. a short trip but it should be heaps of fun anyways. beachh, boys, and of course . . . TACO BELL for the first time in 2 years (i failed to have any when i was home for the holidays because there was so much better mexican food in cali)! anyways, i am very excited and hope it's relaxing and fun. i plan to stay away from the bikini though, don't want the children to try shoving me back in the water screaming "free willy!" damn children.

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