
Everyone's a scientist

what is it about bad science in movies? my roomie and i watched The Core which was on TV a few weeks ago and i was floored at how bad the science in it was. science and math are exact studies with little room for flexibility. while this means that there is always a rule, a method, or an answer, it also means that it can be fairly easy to take apart. now, i LOVE science, as some of you may know, but i'm an english gal so that means i'm more prone to abstract thinking. so why is it that when i go into a movie theater or pop on a DVD, i am suddenly super science girl? this phenomenon is not just localized to your truly. it seems everyone is a scientist. you look at any movie or TV show that has "science" in it (Volcano, the CSIs, ER, 24, the Spidermans, the Speeds, the Omens, etc) and they make it so easy to poke holes in it. i find it slightly disturbing that movies like The Mummy is more acurately reseached than the previously mentioned stuff. comments posted on IMDB are filled with them.

ok, ok, ok, ok. i know, i must employ a suspension of disbelief (i say "S.O.D. it") but it's very difficult. to suspend disbelief, you must first make room for the possiblility, right? yes, it's called disbelief but i think there has to be, at least the slightest inkling, that such a thing could be real. i mean even the most ridiculous things have some basis in reality. it allows the audience to attach something familiar with something that is not but in doing so, allows us to grab on to that which is fantastic and go with it. it's kinda like the difference with a good liar and a bad one. a true sociopath makes his lie so believable that he convinces himself.

so my request/rant is this: make the science so utterly confusing that we, the plebs of the world, can't understand it at all. cuz that would be more convincing than the crap that you've put out thus far.

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