This was at Ads' 34th birthday this past weekend. we went bowling and brought our own bevys and snacks. good fun and cheap to boot as MC Wong sponsored some of our games with tickets. So Ads' shirt says Older Than Jesus with a picture of the Virgin Mary holding a baby jesus superimposed over Jeruselam at sundown and at the bottom it says Jesus es mi hermano mas joven (Jesus is my younger brother in Spanish). Wong's shirt has a dude doing kung fu with boxes of kraft mac and cheese dinner. it says Straight Nunchucking Badass Mofo on it. i'm sure this is not funny for you (inside joke) but it was pretty funny for us. And i also got Ads a Jesus shaped soap on a rope cleverly called Hope on a Rope. more tears of laughter!
Speaking of Jesus, i will be foregoing my annual x-mas in america this year. the folks have just visited so i will not be missed and since my sister and bro-in-law will probably be busy with movie projects, i thought i'd give it a miss. probably head back in February next year when things calm down a bit. So how will i spend this christmas you ask? my friend and i are planning on going to Bali for a short stint. sand, ocean, relaxing, etc. doen't sound like a bad chrissy to me! if anyone wants to join us, lemme know!
Sidebar: had a realization this weekend. i realized that some friendships don't have the elasticity that others do. with some of my friends, distance (whether time or geographic) doesn't seem to have an affect on the quality of the relationships but i find that more often than not, it does. this thought made me question whether these relationships have soured or turned bittersweet because i've let them go or because i didn't make enough of an effort to keep these people in my life or because we've just run our course together and it's kinda the natural demise? i've always been a bit of a fatalist: if it's meant to be, then it will be. but is that just laziness? i don't know the answer to that yet. all i do know is that it certainly does hurt to let some people go more than others.
ok, enough of that.
Crazy ass shit i found on the net this week:
1. Cuddle parties. you read that right. people get together and cuddle. TOTALLY WEIRD. you can see for yourself at
2. immigration is cracking down! homeland security is changing the test for foreigners. i get it! i get it! i've stopped trying to come back already. Sheesh!
3. never been this desperate for a cup of tea but if i ever get my ass out to china, i might wanna try this place!
4. Didn't realize the magnitude of e-waste out there in the world. i hope you guys find this as eye opening as i did. check out e-dump.
5. Speaking of waste...... look what happens to perfectly good money when it is wasted on the likes of these nasty dudes. (this is a bit of an oldie but i never posted this -- thanks gordon!)
6. Big thanks to Christina for bringing swing back! makes me want to put on my dancing shoes......
7. and finally, this fantastic pic that my friend Amrey sent me. She said, "if you see this woman on the road, for fuck's sake, GET OUTTA HER WAY!!!
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