
The gay boyfriend's birthday

real boyfriends are easy to make happy on their birthdays; you get waxed, make him a meatball sammich, and throw in some afternoon delight and he's a generally happy guy. Gay boyfriends are tough. i actually had to think and plan our day out (even still, he had to have it all done his way, no surprises, cuz mine is a communist). we started out with Lunch at Cafe Studio in Harajuku. unfortunately, we both liked the decor and ambiance better than the food:

so i took him to the wine bar down the street so we could drown our insufficient burger woes (i think this was his favorite part of the day):

and on to lovely cakes! it's NOT a brithday without cake:

the gay BF's lovely husband got in touch so we could surprise him on his actual birthday with a VERY fancy breakfast at the Grand Hyatt in the pong. getting there was a bitch but the food was soooooo good. dined at the French Kitchen:

so cute! they were happy boys:

YUM! probably one of the best breakfasts i've ever had:

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