
2010: The Year of Correspondence

i have heaps and heaps of stationary. most people will usually get a birthday card, and postcards during the spring/summer and year end from me. i like sending them. i've even started sending one a week to select peeps who don't easily get annoyed with me.

it saddens me to see that real mail, snail mail if you will, has gone the way of the dinosaurs. i like to see people's penmanship, judge their grasp of grammar and syntax, check if they use words with correct connotation, etc. electronic communication has a severe lack of responsibility. i don't check my spelling, i rarely capitalize anything , and i often don't make sense. <-- it's like me talking! that's why i don't like it. the edited version of me is much better, and in a real letter, the best version of me is on paper.

i know i suck at text messages and emails. i often don't reply unless there are very specific questions that request a response. when i had a commute to work, i spent the time on the train replying to all my messages but now, for some reason, i just don't. So don't take it personally if i don't reply to your emails and messages. Send me your address so i can put a postcard in the mail for you!

1 comment:

Red Rabbit said...

I agree!! The internet isn't personal at all, Very few people even know what real handwriting is anymore! I prefer to see pen and paper. And you're stationary pieces are very cute.