
The day before surgery

Escaped from the hospital again today with my dad and we went and had ramen for lunch. We walked all around a shopping arcade street and did some minor shopping. Another uneventful day waiting for surgery.

Got to take my first hospital shower today which was interesting. What you have to do is write your name on a board for the time slot that you want to shower then you have to pick up the key at the allotted time. You have 30 minutes. Interesting stuff.

Had a visit from Makie and Kimiko today. They arrived within minutes of each other. They brought me little presents and flowers. It was so nice. Julie came by later tonight with some chocolate and crunchy ramen snacks and conversation.

It’s technically lights out so I shouldn’t be doing this but I just can’t get to bed. My day starts at 6:00 tomorrow. No food or drink all day and night tomorrow so I’ll finally be able to tap into those fat stores I’ve been saving for a rainy day. Yeee haw!

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