
Well, there goes another new year's resolution

i know, i know, i know. i said i would keep this updated a lot more and i haven't my bad. but with this whole i-have-a-tumor thing playing out, it's been tough to concentrate on anything. i know, you're rolling your eyes and thinking that it'a a lame excuse but hey, that's just the way it goes.

to start, my obsession with the engagement ring thing has ended. nothing resolved, no real research done, but i've let it go. should i ever be lucky to get a ring, i'll love it no matter what it is as long as it's not some gaudy ugly thing.

next up, my dad's in town. love my dad, hate the fact that he's here for my surgery. i don't know how to explain it but he and i get each other so it's comforting to have him here but at the same time i know he feels responsible for all this stuff and i hate to see him hurting. everyone's been great about this and i have no cause for complaint but at the moment, i'm just not feeling as settled as i probably should. there are always worries on the horizon.

work. work sucks. why? because things at work are changing and i don't like it. i thought for once i had a terrific crew and work wasn't the chore that i had always believed it to be but i think it's going to suck big donkey dicks when i get out of the hospital and back to work. i am not looking forward to this.

as for the rest of life, i suppose it could be a lot worse. i am waiting for the other shoe to drop (but we pessimists are always waiting for that to happen) but right now i think i need to play this thing out and see where i end up. will write again soon, possibly before the big day. but if i don't, don't hold it against me.

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