
Yayoi Matsuri in Asakusa

yeah, it's pretty touristy but asakusa remains one of my favorite places in the city.

there was a tv show being taped at one of the rice cracker stalls. another food porn featuring some fairly famous japanese comedians:

the gate to the main temple:

and you go through only to find that it (kannon temple) is under major construction:

get your smoke on:

and your cleansing on:

today was Yayoi festival, with a ceremony by members of the Edo Shobo Kinen-kai (Edo Civilian Fire Fighters' Association):

bamboo ladders:

the priests finish their blessing:

and the firemen get ready:

and there is a sudden fury of raising and spinning the giant swizzle sticks:

afterwards, they did some acrobatics. remember those bamboo ladders?

they are set up and secured by the men on the ground:

one guy goes up:

and away they go!

i think there were 8 - 10 of them set up. pretty amazing stuff:

the exhausted finish:

and they packed it up and went home. this guy carried this huge ladder almost entirely alone:

love me some firemen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about some pix of those guys in the white pants that carry matsuri's??? they used to be everywhere, and wear those fabulous tabi's, love those guys??? H